Gynecomastia: What is it?
Gynecomastia is a swelling of breast tissue in boys and men. It can happen when the balance of two hormones in your body is disrupted.

Gynecomastia Tunisia Indications
Although breasts do not develop in men as they do in women, all boys are born with a small amount of breast tissue.
Boys' bodies primarily produce a hormone called testosterone, which guides their sexual growth during puberty. But men also produce estrogen - the hormone that regulates sexual growth in girls.
When a boy goes through puberty, or when an older man's body makes less testosterone, the balance of the two hormones changes.
Sometimes when this happens, a higher percentage of estrogen causes the male breast tissue to swell. About half of teenagers and up to two-thirds of men over 50 will experience some degree of this.
Gynecomastia Tunisia: breast reduction in men
The breast consists of glandular tissue, which is firm and dense, and fat tissue, which is soft.
- Liposuction can remove excess adipose tissue. It involves inserting a small tube through a 3 to 4 mm incision.
- Excision means cutting tissue with a scalpel to remove excess glandular tissue. This will normally leave a scar on the edge of the nipple.
- In some cases, excision and liposuction will be used.

It will normally take about 6 weeks to return to a normal routine. Surgical complications are rare. They include insufficient removal of breast tissue, irregular breast contour, and reduced sensation of one or both nipples.
After surgery, the chest will be bruised and swollen, and the patient may have to wear an elastic pressure garment for 2 weeks to help reduce swelling.
The results on your torso are exceptional. After 3 months, the chest is flat and fits snugly around the pectoral muscle.
Surgery allows the patient with gynecomastia to have the mammary gland removed and regain a correct aesthetic appearance.
The scar is then located around the areola and is extremely discreet and even invisible after a certain healing time.
If a significant reduction of tissue and skin is necessary, the incision and the scar will be larger.
The price of a gynecomastia in our clinic is only .... This price includes a stay of 6 days and 5 nights.