Gastrectomy Sleeve


Sleeve gastrectomy Tunisia, a remedy against obesity

During a sleeve surgery Tunisia, surgeons remove part of the stomach and join the remaining parts to make a new stomach or "sleeve" the size of a banana. With 1/10 the size of the stomach, the patient feels full much faster than before.  He will not be able to eat as much as before, which helps to lose a lot of weight. The surgery also removes the part of the stomach that makes a hormone that stimulates the appetite.
The sleeve gastrectomy is, in fact, the most widely practiced procedure in obesity surgery because of its effectiveness in terms of weight loss.

Gastrectomy Sleeve Sleeve gastrectomy: before the operation

A pre-operative check-up is required, this check-up includes:

  • An evaluation of eating habits and the management of a possible eating disorder (Eating Disorder) 
  • Assessment and management of comorbidities (cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, etc.)
  • Nutritional and vitamin assessment (albumin, hemoglobin, ferritin and iron saturation coefficient of transferrin, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B1, B9, B12) and correction of any deficiencies, evaluation of chewing ability
  • The implementation of a therapeutic education program in terms of diet and physical activity is recommended as early as the pre-operative period
  • Esogastroduodenal endoscopy and the search for Helicobacter pylori

Gastric ring Tunisia

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